What are the types of automation testing?
The following are the types of automation testing:
1. Functional testing: The logic behind the application's working is checked by functional tests. Test cases are written using an automated functional testing platform and then run using a well-suited automation testing tool to make sure that the application is working as per the requirements of the users or not.
2. Non-functional testing: The software product or application's working is not taken into consideration. The logic behind the working of an application is not taken into consideration in this testing method. Test cases are created and executed using test automation tools.
3. Unit tests: The application's code is checked by developers using the automated unit test platform. Unit tests can be easily written by coders and automated so that the program can be checked in the development phase.
4. UI tests: The application's look and feel are checked by the automated UI testing platform. The product's functionality and business logic are validated after the development process has been completed.
5. API tests: This testing method verifies whether different programs/modules of the system are properly communicating or not. The logic is verified by these tests as per the response and request of programs through which the application is being run.
6. Regression testing: As regression tests are mostly carried out frequently, hence, it can be automated and thus its huge test suite size can be easily worked out.
7. Unit testing: Automation is used to test the smallest units of code during the initial stages of development.
8. Integration testing: This testing method ensures that there is a streamlined interaction between modules and is crucial for software
9. Performance testing: There are specific automation testing tools that can be used to test the stability, responsiveness and speed of the application under test.
10. Data-driven testing: The platform of automation can easily manage data inputs, outputs and results. Without automation, a huge amount of manual time and other resources will be consumed.
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