Cypress Automation in Action: End-to-End Testing for Modern Web Apps
Tests can be easily set up, executed, written and debugged using the Cypress automation platform. Code can be easily written and read and also the code is considered to be modular and maintainable . The root cause of the failure can be easily diagnosed using the Cypress framework. A test file can be created in the editor tool so that the software application can be automated and the website outcomes can be tested that are running live in a browser. In this article, you will get a brief overview of the relev ance of cypress automation. What is Cypress? It is a test framework for users, specialists and developers to write user tests with JavaScript. It can easily interact with varied automated tools such as protractor and Selenium. Drivers are not required to communicate with the browser and hence testing is carried out at a faster pace. It can test modern web applications based on AngularJS and React frameworks and it can also easily interact with ...